Twenty years from now you will not be disappointed in the things you have done,
but in the things, you have not done.
So, raise anchor, abandon safe harbours, catch the wind in your sails.
Mark Twain

Dear all with joy and satisfaction we present to you the newcomer: ToLight

We all wish the journey we have set out on to be smooth, fast and free of unexpected detours. Yet it is precisely in the longest and most tiring stages of our lives that we sometimes make the most significant encounters; those that help us discover new realities and new aspects of ourselves. It is only by stepping out of our comfort zone that we can see a richness emerge in us that we never imagined we possessed.

This is the spark that gave birth to ToLight, the group game, designed especially for Worldwide Marriage Encounter that will allow excitement, fun and profound moments of sharing. This game is part of the Lighthouse 2033 Project.

Why have a game in a movement that deals with relationships?

Play is important for adults as well. Here are some reasons.

A game:

  • Reduces stress and anxiety in an effective way. During the game, the brain releases substances related to well-being and happiness.
  • Stimulates creativity and imagination. New ideas can be explored and thinking skills improved.
  • Provides an opportunity to improve communication, build relationships and create a sense of belonging.
  • Provides an enjoyable way to spend our free time.
  • Rekindles the sense of wonder and amazement that is often associated with childhood. It can help maintain a young spirit, open to new experiences.

In short, playing a game offers a range of benefits beyond pure fun that have a positive effect on our mental health, social relationships and quality of life.

Playing is certainly not the goal of our meetings, but it is a way of learning about ourselves and listening to the experiences of the other players. The main purpose of the Word Café technique (a method of initiating lively, concrete and constructive informal conversations) is dialogue. That is why we would like the game to end with a time for „dialogue” (e.g. What were my feelings when we played the game?).

So welcome to this adventure that will lead us all to the Lux Island Lighthouse, as we will be able to see in this video (, because together we can all be a light to others.


Brave sailors, ToLight is more than just a board game! It is an experience that will lead you to share new emotions with your fellow sailors. That is why you are all invited to sail to Lux Island, where there is a towering Lighthouse, a symbol of trust, hope and love.

To set out on a journey we need a destination, an ideal, a Guide. So let us prepare to sail the oceans, face storms and overcome intriguing challenges, just as we do in everyday life. Let us remember that cooperation is the key to success. That is why this game is about cooperation, not competitiveness!

There will be no shortage of challenges along the way. There will be storms to deal with, we can learn from our mistakes and treasure our experiences. A passion for adventure will drive us to overcome every obstacle.

Each island we sail to will be a mysterious land, a treasure to be discovered and a test of our skills. We will answer questions once we land on the island. Sharing qualities and our experiences will lead us to a better self-awareness.

We will face turbulent currents with determination. Each challenge will be an opportunity to demonstrate our ability to navigate choppy seas. The storms we will encounter will be severe trials, but real sailors calmly maintain control of their ship despite the raging winds and the tumultuous waves.

In life, too, we must be ready to rescue people who are shipwrecked. Compassion and ability to respond to emergencies will be crucial. Every life saved is a sign of humanity.

The calm may make us fear the worst, but we must remain vigilant and ready to take advantage of every slight breeze. Patience and wisdom will be our allies.

Sirens, with their seductive melody, will try to divert us from our path. The challenge is to resist temptations and stay focused on the mission and on the values that guide our lives.

The Lighthouse represents the Light at the end of our journey and the proof that every challenge overcome makes us stronger. Arriving at Lux Island will not only be a personal success, but a success for the whole group.

In all these circumstances at sea, as in life, our anchors of salvation are other people. Let us keep communication open and support each other in facing the challenges together.

Sailors, let us prepare for an extraordinary adventure. Every island, every storm, every decision and every rescue will help write our story.

ToLight is an experience that will take us on an exciting journey, where friendship and passion will be our best allies; an opportunity to prove that together we can achieve anything.
Our adventure is about to begin, let’s consult our compass and sail the seas of life with determination and joy!

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