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Nuestra Propuesta

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  • Proponemos un estilo de vida, en un fin de semana que llamamos «el Fin de Semana»
  • Es una experiencia de relación que se ha extendido a lo largo del tiempo a matrimonios, consagrados, parejas de novios, convivientes, jóvenes, menos jóvenes y personas solas.

Nuestros Fines de Semana


Fin de semana para matrimonios y convivientes, sacerdotes y personas consagradas.



Un fin de semana orientado a vuestra relación actual y futura.


Dirigido a personas entre 20 y 35 años. Para ayudarte a hacer realidad tus sueños en tu vida diaria.


Entiende tu papel en la construcción de la unidad de la familia.

Personas solas

Para personas mayores de 35 años, viudas y viudos, divorciados o separados.

Una experiencia para vivir en familia.

Eventos o Noticias Importantes


Our Commitment Against Abuse in Worldwide Marriage Encounter

At Worldwide Marriage Encounter, we are fully committed to the safety, respect, and dignity of all our members, as well as any participants or individuals involved in our activities. We recognise the seriousness of sexual, power, and conscience abuse, and we are dedicated to preventing, detecting, and responding to such acts effectively and with proper care.

Our Protocols

We follow the protocols established by the Vatican to handle reports of abuse, guiding us through the investigation of claims, the protection of victims, and holding perpetrators accountable. You can find more details in the Vatican’s Vademécum and the Apostolic Letter Vos estis lux mundi.

Furthermore, in cases where abuse is recognised as a crime in the country where it has occurred, we will adhere to all the legal processes and requirements of that country’s legislation. If the abuse is classified as a crime under Canon Law, we will notify the appropriate ecclesiastical authority.

Additional Information

Worldwide Marriage Encounter has established specific protocols in every country where it is present to prevent, detect, and respond to any form of abuse. These protocols align with both Vatican guidelines and the local laws of each country.

For detailed information on the specific procedures, complaint issuing, and the responsible teams in your country, please visit the Worldwide Marriage Encounter webpage for your country.

Our Commitment to Transparency and Accountability

Our unwavering commitment to transparency, accountability, and the protection of everyone in our community remains steadfast across all of Europe.

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